Friday, October 29, 2010


I like to talk to people … for a variety of reasons, because I think conversations are a key to solving many (if not all) issues faced by our world today. Many wars can be un-fought and many innocent lives can be saved. Another reason is also that conversations help us understand the different viewpoints of all the diverse people in this world. It creates tolerance and a better understanding of life and its challenges others face. In return, of the valuable lessons from these conversations we are able to make our lives a whole lot better (if we want to).

I have learned many precious things from the unending, wonderful, enriching, blessed conversations I have had with people from everywhere and many walks of life. My favorite things to do while I am travelling (travelling itself being one of my most favorite things) is to either read a book or find someone (hopefully interesting….and they always turn out to be!) to talk to. I remember talking to wonderful South African, H (on my way back from Zambia via Johannes Berg) for a continuous 6hrs on an eight hours flight, and it was one of the most enriching conversations. We talked about everything, literally, gliding smoothly from one subject to the other. H is a focused person and some of the experiences had many a lessons stored. Especially that it is good to be focused, because that helps in getting the job done with concentration and lesser loopholes hopefully). Although we did not meet after that day but the learning and sharing continues to date.

I have been blessed with wonderful family, neighbors, friends, colleagues and acquaintances (and I truly mean ALL of you) who time and again are an amazing company and a great source of information via their life-giving conversations. Sometimes, when they just share their life experiences, that itself becomes a huge learning for their audience. And now with the addition of mobiles/social mediums, it is so easy to converse wherever one may be. I do not know about others but I really enjoy the small quotes and sayings that people share, I think some of them are just so cool. In addition, another cool thing about it is that you keep in touch with people and converse with them whenever you have the chance. I think everyone in this world has something to give in terms of information and knowledge. When I think about it the help and support of all these people whom I have met in various capacities have all play a very important role in making me who I am today! Thank you.

There are many small but important messages we receive in life, which makes us a better person. For example, I was talking about advantages of texting earlier on, well, whenever I get the chance I text and share many meaningful messages with my friends. So once, I got this forwarded text from a friend and without any verification I forwarded it to some other friends on my list, (this text was about some disease and its cause etc). Almost immediately, I received a reply from a friend who is very learned and knowledgeable saying, ‘did you check the authenticity of the message you forwarded because I don't think you know that they have actually put up a claim on the net against this particular misinformation being forwarded via text messages and email which is creating chaos amongst general public’. I was very embarrassed but also thankful because from that day onwards, I try my level best to forward information only when I have some sort of prove against its validity. Thanks A.

While talking about small conversations I have had many of those with people I met during my time working with Social development organizations and when I use to move around as a training consultant. This is when I had the opportunity to meet people living in remote suburbs and villages. They have such vast, deep wisdom that astonishes me. Perhaps the reason is that they see life as it is, real and unscripted. Their simple manners, friendliness, respect and hospitality makes you fall in love with them. It has been a tremendous experience each time I have visited these kinds of areas and the mannerism has been the same whether it is a small village in South Africa or near the deserts of Tharparker. We did not understand each other’s language but we spoke the common language of love and humanity. Same incident happened when I visited Damascus and met with a tribal women of Syria who explained me her love towards Lady Zainab(sa) (Grand Daughter of Prophet Saww Pbuh) while we got to sit next to each other in the Holy Shrine of Lady Zainab(sa), detailed story is mentioned a few paras below.

To share some more interesting stories of my conversations let me tell you about this wonderful young women from Egypt, D. We were introduced in a conference in Amman, Jordon and after some brief formal exchange; it was evident that we both like to talk. So from there onwards during the whole time we were together we never missed a chance to share some interesting stories about our lives. I learned from her experiences how a woman should always stay strong even when life throws a meteor shower of troubles and challenges at her. Unfortunately, I lost her contact when I got back, but nature has its own setup and after 5 years I found her via a mutual friend on a social networking website and I am so glad that we can now continue to cherish ourselves from the enriching conversations. Even the mutual friend I speak of is very headstrong and carries a persona tagged and branded (but gladly not copyrighted). She might not know but she has taught me so much by sharing her experiences. She has given me valuable advice, which helps me in my personal and professional life. I owe you F. You rock.

Oh, yes, how I can forget my very special friends from Alabama (US), a couple (wife being a designer and the husband a lawyer) and of course, my very dear V. With the couple, my interaction was thrice and that too only for a couple of hours but the insight they had on the topic of relationship was superb. They told me their own very interesting story of how they met at a very late stage of life but how much they cherish each other despite of all their differences and how some things are really just meant-to-be. They said do not go overboard even when your heart is set on something, do not compromise to the extent of lowering your integrity, and always keep your head on your shoulders with gratitude. However, when you do find and achieve the one then spare no time and give your best. Cherish love because it is the most beautiful sentiment of humans, they gave me so much hope, and I will always be thankful to them…. And V, what a wonderful person she is, so real, so kind and simple, the thing V and I have in common is our love for nature. She does so much for it and she is very creative, an amazing story teller, a superb human being. Her garden has a record-breaking variety of flowers, which is something worth looking at. I remember chasing her cat (Ms. R) every time I visited V’s beautiful cottage style house, but the cat did not like me! and would run away the instant she heard me come!

Another aspect of being a part of the conversation is when you are at the listening end, well at least I still consider that conversing because in your head you are arguing and understanding, negotiating with all that you hear and taking mental notes for future reference. When I was part of a Social Development Organization, I was managing this project and needed lots of advice and approvals from my Managing Director (who is also my mentor for life). For that, I used to go to her room quite often and most of the time she used to be with someone or on the phone but she used to let me in anyway and whenever I did not had a most urgent pressing issue, I used to calmly wait for her to finish her conversation. Trust me, I have learned so much from just hearing those conversations do not think I was eaves dropping because I was permitted to hear. From them, I learned the art of conversing beautifully (when to intrude, when to question, when to verify, how to round-up and summarize), usage of most appropriate words as per the demand of the conversation, I learned facial expressions and most of all how you can share the gift of knowledge in a most unintentional manner. Will always remember you Prof. A. May you receive high place in heaven inshaAllah.

Yet another aspect of being part of the conversation is when you are preaching, sharing knowledge and when the receiver (could be you) is listening or reading (as in this case when you are reading what I have written and debating inside). This and the above conversations are what i'd like to term as the conversations within, although something/one triggers the thought process but they actually open up horizons within, the invisible third eye whose vision is not restricted to internal or external, past or present view, it can see anywhere it focuses on. These conversations are the best and many a times act as your basis when you are in conversation, dialogue or discussion with others. It is all that information which your mind as per agreeable to your personality permits you to believe in. It helps in defining your parameters and creating your boundaries no matter how vast or narrow. It begins when you listen carefully and internalize and process all the information received and then putting it into virtual yes, no and maybe boxes, and then each time a related topic comes up when you give your point-of-view that’s where you pick up your data.

The most interesting part of conversation that I have come up with is that unless you converse with yourself you built up your views on what others think. Nevertheless, once you converse with yourself you assess from your own mind and after presenting the case in your own court knowing all the pros and cons. After that whether the decision you take is right or wrong it is still your decision and you have come up with it yourself. Every sane person knows in a given situation what is right and what is wrong at least if he is honest with an active conscience, in taking his or her decision. No matter what the circumstances are, they are hopefully going to go for the right choice and that choice if collected in the pool of right choices is going to derive collective right decisions. If we all start to do that, my third eye sees a very prosperous human society. Yea, I know that sounds extremely idealistic, but hey, that is my and purely my point of view and it has no negatives (as far as I am concerned), except for pessimistic people who are negative themselves and wish to remain negative.

Now I do not know whether you have ever encountered ‘mute conversations’, these are very special in a most interesting and heart-warming way. One might think that these are conversations between people who are challenged (physically or mentally), yes, that is one kind, but, even more interesting are conversations between people who are from different parts of the world and do not know each other’s language. My personal experience mostly has been when I travel to distant lands. They do not just say travelling to be one of the best ways of learning for the heck of it. It really is true. I recall a few of these amazing long chats, like the one in Damascus, Syria, where I got to sit next to this pilgrim women who explained to me in her language (which I believe was some tribal Arabic) why she had come there and what were some of her believes. I could make out her origin by noticing the traditional tribal marks on her face and by her dress and looks (as I have seen similar kind of women in Saudi Arabia). She used many gestures like when she had to talk about spirituality she would look heavenwards. When she tried to tell me that she has travelled far to reach here she would extend her arms and then take it behind her head as if pointing towards the long journey and she also stretched the word she used for describing ‘long’ (perhaps) like ‘looooooong’ and narrowing her eyes when she said that. She pointed towards her eyes and with her hand gestured the trail of tears then raised her hand upwards as in praying and then putting her hand on her heart and showing that she believes her prayers would ‘Insha’Allah (God willing) be answered. She mention words like ‘Allah’ (God) and name words like ‘Jannat’ (heaven), ‘Shaheed’ (Martyr) etc to share her wisdom. She told me about her kids and introduced me to a couple of women sitting around us as her relatives; they all greeted me with a smile. When it was time for me to go, she gently and lovingly kissed my forehead and blessed me with prayers and all of her relatives shook my hand. That left a warm wonderful memory in my heart and mind.

Sometimes it also happens that you know someone for very long yet you never had the chance to really talk and get into conversation with each other. That has happened to me more than I can remember! However, lately a friend and I, we discovered that we had much knowledge to share with each other and since we have begun conversing both of us have learned immensely from each other about society, beliefs, norms, emotions and surprisingly politics (my most non-favorite subject). My friend has a unique style of sharing information, almost never gets personal and shares whatever we are both comfortable with. I am at full liberty to talk about my personal life and never forced through query or questions. We argue and disagree but it gauges towards the understanding of the topic at hand and never because of Ego. Thanks A; I truly treasure our friendship and the enlightening conversations.

While I mention A, it would be absolutely unfair not to mention my dear R. Most interesting person to talk to, that is how I will describe her. She defines the world in her own way. Very sincere and honest, not afraid to admitt. Very curious and loves to inquire but in a sweet way. We both have our share of the hours long conversations we have and there is never a dull moment. Thankyou for being there my very sweet R. Allah(swt) bless you.

There are those too (and I am sure this kind appear in everyone’s life at least once) who are there for some time, those whom we refer to as seasonal friends. This kind usually becomes best friends almost instantaneously and you cannot imagine life without them. Things are absolutely hunky dory; you will have gazillion wonderful conversations with them. However, almost instantaneously, they will desert you and that is when you realize that there was never any spirit of friendship, that is where the line disconnects and all you can hear is silence. It occurs to you that were all purely incidental and at that particular moment when you met them (him/her), all the stars were aligned and you clicked instantly but as they say, ‘easy come easy go’…. This itself then becomes a great experience, but what I have learned (from my own and related experience of others) is that don’t let these people leave a mark, learn from these incidents and avoid making the same mistake (if you can) or get use to the idea of walk-in friends! Shakespeare describes it beautifully:

“Everyone has a best friend during each stage of life, but only lucky ones have the same in all stages of life.”

On a different note, I remember when I use to teach Business Communication and at that time, I use to tell my students that there is no difference in normal and business communication, the difference is of formal tone and usage of words. I see people unable to deliver their thoughts because they try to be someone else when they are dealing with clients or business partners, I wonder why they even try to do that! Even in business, one has to be him/herself with a slight touch of formality and that is it. Why sound mechanical when you are actually in conversation with a human being? In my experience, all the successful officials and entrepreneurs (the ones I have met) all deliver their message in a very normal and authentic style. In my view authenticity is the key to success in this (or any other) trait.

Alas, there are those conversations where we backbite and blame people with the soul purpose of proving ‘we are right, they are wrong’. These conversations have no conscience and they are 100% guilt free. All that we receive from these chats is how to make other people look bad and how to feel good about ourselves after doing that. I have noticed that wherever majority of people are inclined towards these types of discussion, prosperity is very low and faces are stern, hearts blackened and eyes emotionless. Let me share a great lesson I learnt while receiving training on human interaction and how to make the best out of it. Every person has positives and negatives and that is what makes them a human being (otherwise, we would only either be angles or devils), if we want to be successful then whenever we interact with people, we should focus on the positive side of the other person’s personality rather than the negative. This way knowing that, the person has some negative traits even then focusing on the positive once we will be able to converse with that person without prejudice. As we, all know that all humans emit various kinds of energies, mainly positive and negative. Now when a person focuses on his own and other person’s positive energy he is able to make their combined environment positive. Now who would not want to be part of a positive, peaceful and happy environment?

Another very (most) important conversation is the one between the Lord and man. And amongst all I feel this particular conversation weighs the most because in my point of view all the conversations that have generated on this planet and everywhere else has been given birth from the conversation that God has been doing with us. Are prayers not a conversation with the one in-charge? All that we talk about has links to that particular source, and I invite you to think neutrally about it putting aside everything else. Even if you analyze all the examples of the experiences and conversations, I have mentioned here you will be able to connect them somehow with nature, and what is nature but a gift from our Lord. Everything in nature converses with us in its own special way; it depends on us how much we expand our horizon and communicate with them. Our most respectable and most dear Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (Saww) and his Progeny (a.s.) has taught us beautiful mannerism, ideal ways of conversing with Allah(swt) (God) and His creatures. Knowing and practicing that makes us real Human Beings. SubhanAllah.

There are tons of other types of conversations, which I may not have mentioned or maybe I have not encountered them yet. Nevertheless, the ones I have mentioned are very few excerpts from my life so far. Many amazing books have been written on the subject but my purpose here was to share some personal experiences. This helped me remind myself of all the wonderful people I met and who have taught me so much in their own special way. In addition, it is a way of sharing this knowledge I gathered with those who wish to acquire and use it. So keep the magic of conversations going and create your own language of peace and love. And do not forget to share it.