Monday, December 26, 2011

Adventure Forte Monroe, DG Khan and Multan!!

The very enchanting mountain range!
The very enchanting mountain range! Gorgeous and treacherous!
Our destroyed vehicle that we took pictures of on our way to the Airport next day!
Our destroyed vehicle that we took pictures of on our way to the Airport next day!
Our destroyed vehicle that we took pictures of on our way to the Airport next day!
This is the place the famous graveyard on top of the mountain which we visited....Spooky!
Well, the story goes like this. I was on a training workshop trip in DG Khan. We (me & my colleagues) were coming back from a historical place called Forte Monroe which connects Punjab with Balochistan, Loralai (at a fair distance) and this place is really high up (several thousand feet). From our destination that is DG Khan it was at a distance of some 85-90 km. Anyway we were all really tired after an exhausting day of training but still decided to check the place out. So we started out and reached the 6000 ft mountain. The way back wasn’t an easy one because the area is still under development (we even saw a part of Mountain being demolished by explosive material) and to top it all we got separated from our guide's vehicle in front of us..... Anyway after an hour or so we found them, actually they found us!! (and that time we spend eating at a local dhaba.
 Well anyway by that time we were even more tired (passengers and the driver). By some miracle we got off the mountain in one piece but around 10 km before entering DG we smashed into some big rocks spread on the highway for some construction, the Hiace (our guide’s vehicle) in front of us just missed the truck which hit our car which then smashed into the mountain rocks and the Hiace in front, full throttle. This all I didn’t see because the impact was so strong that we became unconsciousness for a couple of minutes. In those few minutes the car was already surrounded by people trying to peep in. Anyway I was escorted out of the vehicle and sat on the road side for a while then paramedic came and checked us. My temple and chin had swollen up and my elbow and left hand were scratched and my throat felt like it had pieces of glass in it. My entire left side was hurting like hell. The driver was out completely, although no external wounds but it seemed he had hurt his insides badly because the hero had taken off his seat belts thinking he is near town....!!
So after that in the same Hiace (which was in front of us and still running by some miracle) we made our way to DG Khan but since we still had to conduct the last day of the workshop and had our flights back to Karachi on the same day and our stuff was still in the hotel in Multan (yes, we were not staying in DG but in Multan which is again more than two hours away and we used to commute to and fro DG on the GT road everyday) we decided to go back to Multan at the same time so after some tiring journey we reached back to our hotel in Multan alhamdulillah and were out on the same road again at 9:00 am... How’s that for an adventure!!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Feedback is a mechanism, process or signal that is looped back to control a system within itself. Such a loop is called a feedback loop. In systems containing an input and output, feeding back part of the output so as to increase the input is positive feedback (regeneration), feeding back part of the output in such a way as to partially oppose the input is negative feedback (degeneration) - Wikki

Feedbacks are a very important component of our daily lives. And whether we notice it or not we are giving and receiving feedback all the time. It is because of feedback that we are where we are today, whatever improvement occurs is because of one persons creation and others feedback on it. And its not just others feedback that matters there is self-assessing as well and we are reflecting back to our-self all the time. There are all sorts of feedbacks, happy ones, positive, confused, question based (raising or answering), supportive and as i'd like to call them the mother of all creativity - Negative feedback.      

It is important for all of us to UNDERSTAND what feedbacks really are and what affects do they have on our lives. Ones we have understood that, it would become much more easier and effective to share feedback. 

Feedback can change lives

Not only is there a manner for giving feedback there is also a manner of receiving them. In my experience as a training consultant and a facilitator learning from the experts, practical implementation, reading and observing, I have learnt that: 
"Feedback is a GIFT " ... If this concept is understood than this can be a life-changing experience and everyday each time we receive a feedback a whole window of opportunity will open to us. I will always be grateful to my champion facilitators from Africa and UK who taught me this beautiful concept and the art of sharing feedback whether I am on the receiving end or vice-versa. 

Now let us ponder on the statement that feedback is a gift! and to understand that one needs to know what a gift is? Well a gift is something one person gives to the other as a token of love and appreciation, a gift has a lot of value because it shows that the other person went through the trouble of thinking about what gift to choose, from where, how it should be wrapped and presented and so on. Some gifts are hand-made while others are chosen as per occasion and personality from the market, some are especially designed and others are based on the receivers interest, liking and need. However and whatever the gift is like, it shows one person's thoughtfulness about the other person. Now, how is it like to receive a gift? well, many times we invite people and they find it obligatory to bring gifts with them, other times one just feels the urge of presenting the other with a gift. Whatever the situation or cause may be when we receive a gift it mostly makes us happy and we use the gift whatever it may be. In the same manner "Feedback is a gift of words". 

In our daily lives we get up in the morning and look at our-self in the mirror and here comes the first feedback "Man, my hair looks so frizzy, i got to iron them." or "O wow! the humongous pimple is gone from my face, yea!" so on and so forth. Then for example if we have to go to work or college etc we change into a dress, look into the mirror and say, "ooh, i look pretty, this dress actually makes me look thinner." or, "I am dressed for success today, look out world" or "same ol' me! :( " . Those are personal feedbacks, where we are telling ourselves as a person what we like or not-like about us. Moving on during the day at work or school etc people we meet with, in all different capacities, we are continuously engaged in exchanging feedbacks, whether verbal or written. Feedback about our work assignments, our personality, our performance and the list goes on. 

The key lies in understanding how to react to these feedbacks that we are so rapidly receiving from all directions. As a trainer I have observed that the moment one person (in any given circumstances) start giving their feedback to the other, and if that feedback contains any traces of corrective measures than the receiver instantly get in to the defensive mode and starts explaining reasons for whatever caused him/her to do that. This brings us closer to the understanding of 'Feedback being a gift' where when one person gives a gift to the other and the other person says 'thankyou'. Does it ever happen (under normal circumstances) that a person gifts something to the other and the receiver instantly starts to comment about the gift received, I don't think so! We all need to widen our horizons and inculcate in ourselves a sense of acceptance. 

The Right approach

I love the example of a Juicer machine. We all know what this simple device does, we dump in it all sorts of fruits and stuff from one end and receive nice fresh juice from the other free of all peels and seeds and unnecessary things.... The process of accepting feedbacks is almost the same, your present your performance to everyone (individual, group, society etc) and then people (as per their ability and understanding) give their feedback, now if you act like that Juicer what would happen, you will accept all their comments with a big smile and open arms, without any argument and inside yourself you will run that feedback/suggestion/comment in your system, see their pros and cons, measure it with your own scales and objectives and in result to that what would come out would be an improved version of a quality product, better than the last time. When we are able to absorb all that is thrown our way and imagine ourselves as that juicer the results are far more sweeter than imagined. There is no such thing as a good or a bad feedback, feedback is just someones thoughts about your performance so by making the right use of this feedback we can increase the level of improvement and achieve great results. Infact, we should always be thankful to those who give us their precious feedback because they actually took the time out to observe us, then made the effort to come to us and make us aware of what they feel about that particular performance/act/idea etc. 

Now, If we combine whats been said so far and join the dots from the previous conversation and try to sum, this is what we get:
    Performance = feedback = Reaction

Having said all the above there are some moral, ethical and legal values attached to those who are in the position of "giving" feedbacks. One must be mindful of the situation, of the performers efforts and hard-work, of the circumstances and especially the competency and level of maturity in that respective area of performance. It is easy to just raise fingers or point out errors after someone has presented something but if we remain mindful of the impact and consequences of our feedback than hopefully our focus will be to add value to the performance/presentation rather than mere criticism! The choice of words, appropriate body language, presence and position of self and other in the particular place, mode of delivering, timings, value of advice everything should be kept in notice whether the feedback is written or verbal, big or small. It should give a feeling of connection, of understanding one another, of helping, of appreciation, of meeting the needs of one another in a very pleasant and welcoming way. Feedback will have less or no value for the receiver if the above considerations are not kept in mind. Following should prove helpful in context to what's been said so far:

A feedback loop to control human behaviour involves four distinct stagesThomas Goetz.
  • Firstly - Evidence. A behavior must be measured, captured, and data stored. 
  • Secondly - Relevance. The information must be relayed to the individual, not in the raw-data form in which it was captured but in a context that makes it emotionally resonant. 
  • Thirdly - Consequence. The information must illuminate one or more paths ahead. 
  • Fourthly - Action. There must be a clear moment when the individual can re-calibrate a behavior, make a choice, and act. Then that action is measured, and the feedback loop can run once more, every action stimulating new behaviors that inch the individual closer to their goals.

When you have become an 'artist' of giving feedback, both you and the recipient of that verbal feedback can feel like a fantastic gift has just passed from one to the other. We wield a great power in giving the gift of evaluation. Whether helping a child learn to ride a bike, reviewing an employees or evaluating any  presentation, considered feedback is a treasure to give.

Below are some basic features of giving feedback, I read, liked and agreed, hence sharing them with you, hope you find them of use:

Primary Aspects Of Giving Empowering Feedback

  1. Listening
    Real communication begins with listening. And complete listening is much more than just hearing the information that comes in our ears. It means using all of our attention, all of our senses and faculties to gather information about what we will be evaluating.Whether you are giving feedback on a speaking presentation, the learning of a new behavior, or a sporting activity, it is vital to gather as much information as possible. We receive and process information primarily through sight, sound, feeling and thinking, so allow all of these to be turned on and tuned in. Begin listening to the words and watching the actions, and from that draw a sense of the meaning being conveyed by both, and to the emotion being delivered. Sense it all, feel every nuance, and savor the transmission of information coming through. This will supply you with a rich database from which you will draw to give your feedback.
  2. Commendations
    When we give a commendation, we are basically telling someone how well they have done something... we are complimenting them. So once we have 'listened' to them, we then reflect back the strong points the person has exhibited. We act like a mirror.
    Reviewing research on positive reinforcement drives home the point that commendations are certainly the primary and most important part of giving the gift of effective evaluation.
    Research documentation also indicates that it is best to use the magic ratio of 5 parts praise or commendations to 1 part recommendation or constructive feedback.
    In addition, there is an art to the words we speak in giving supportive feedback, in order to maximize their effect. Just as we gather information through our senses and thought processes, we want to deliver our feedback so that it will 'speak' to the recipients senses and thought processes. There is a very clever way to do this by using sensory language and metaphors. Metaphor examples help us understand how this type of communication can speak directly, and often subconsciously, to the listeners information processing systems.
  3. Recommendations
    Recommendations are offered in order to help the person learn something and add to the effectiveness of their skill, presentation, or desired outcome.
    Some people might think that corrective feedback is the most important aspect in giving a performance evaluation, but as important as it is... research reveals that it really plays a subordinating role. And to be of maximum benefit in this secondary role, the constructive feedback must:
    • provide specific focused information... precise
    • let the person know what the undesired affect was on you
    • describe and/or illustrate the new action to produce the preferred affect
    • offer a practice method for them so they can improve
  4. Summary
    A succinct summary will tie your observations neatly together with a colorful ribbon so your gift can be easily carried away! In just a couple of sentences, list the compliments and the recommendation for improvement. Then offer your congratulations, and your faith that improvement shall be theirs, with a little further application.

"Feedback is a gift. Ideas are the currency of our next success. Let people see you value both feedback and ideas."
-Jim Trinka and Les Wallace

"All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for 
development accorded the individual."
-Albert Einstein

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


For many days now I have been thinking of putting my thoughts in writing but each time i begin, my brain says, whats the use of this particular thing you are going to write about? Haven't it already been said before, then why?

I had been meaning to write about the way our world is shaping up, the good and weird stuff going on, politics, personal gain, chaos and confusion. Well then i thought so many people sound their concern about it on daily basis!!

I wanted to talk about my city, its disturbing political scene and the massive human massacre, but hey the colorful newspapers, tons of article and our very (a little too) efficient media are enough to give a 90, 180, 360 and God knows what degree perspective. Instead of 'News as it happens' it should be 'News before it Happens'. Instead of just displaying our over-intelligent media creates the news items!! One news and a gazillion views about it. Yea and they love to display it to the rest of the world, if it was in their power they'd made the Polar bears in the North Pole watch the developing stories of Gujjar village of Toba something and that too during hibernation....."hey guys wake up see this is whats not right about my ch ch sad na, hope you feel bad for us!!"

Whats left, weather! yea it looks like its gonna rain any time but every day ends on this hope....rain even doesn't want to come down and wash away the sorrows of this city! The sun shines upon us trying to make us see clearly and reflect on our 'doings' but instead we shut our eyes to its light!

Hmm...economical situation, well there is atleast one thing that we all have consensus on, that our dear Government (not excluding a single person) their banks, pockets and stomachs are all bottom-less pits, they keep on pouring all the country's resources into these three but hey presto! everything disappears in there! Magic! And another thing that we have all understood and concluded is that unless there is a miracle the simple rule of 'Rich getting richer and poor getting poorer ' will be followed with full implementation. Now i know there is no limit to being rich....even the richest man on earth (Carlos Slim Helu) must fear to be superseded by some other rich dude (2nd richest Bill Gates or 3rd Warren Buffet) but what about the poor how much poorer can a person be? well, there was a time people used to give example of Africa where because of natural calamities people were facing hunger, now thanks to the creativity of our leaders (so called) people are forced to die of hunger in their homes due to the security condition of the city. Death stands for them in both places, indoors (cause there is nothing left to eat) and outdoors where a bullet is waiting for them with their name on it!!War no less than a war.....atleast we are creative in discovering newer ways of torture and death! This too is nothing new so many people with living heart and souls write about these deadly issues of our part of the world!

Now what....Hmmm culture and religion! hahaha! what a mockery we have made of these two aswell. Culture is only left for hosting our foreigner friends! An Ajrak or a clay pot, a few dances and some music (in big hotels with heavy entrance tickets). And Religion, “do as you please”, May Allah(swt) help us with what we have done to our religion. Everyone is using its shield to gain cheap worldly gains, we have forgotten our service to our Lord and are just busy in gaining material benefits by using the principles of religion, alas! Still there is Alhamdulillah hope, because there are some real followers in our midst because of whom the rest of us keep safe from the anger of Allah(swt). May Allah(swt) bless those good souls in this dirty world who are doing their best in guiding those who want to follow in this dark world!

Sports! Not really my area of interest but yes I keep hearing the wonderful adventures of our dear cricket team. There performance is like the monitor of the ECG machine vital signs showing up and then down then up again and there they go….down! Atleast I am really proud of our special Olympics team, what courage what remarkable performance, hats off to them for bringing home 56 medals, three cheers for them! Pakistan bagged 17 gold medals, 25 silver and 14 bronze medals while competing in a week-long event that featured 7,500 athletes from 180 countries around the world. The 82-member contingent participated in eight sports including athletics, aquatics, badminton, basketball, bocce, cycling, football and table tennis.” (Tribune, July 5, 2011). Good news are like a breeze of fresh air. Some credit also goes to our dear Aisam-ul-Haq Qureshi for bringing home success. There are some unsung heroes also who are doing good in sports through hard work and determination and with very little support.

See I tried and tried but was able to share nothing new! Everything has been said before, nothing is new…..but anyway I got to say it my way! Ha…………

Monday, April 11, 2011

"Aagahi" (Awareness)



“The Quran gives orders, it also stops, it is also silent and it speaks as well”.

Compiled by: Nasreen Hadi

Translated by: Gulrukh Razi


Q-1) Which is the smallest Surah of the Quran? Ans) Surah-al-Kausar.

Q-2) Which is the Quran's first revealed Surah? Ans) Surah-al-Alaq.

Q-3) Which is the last surah as per the flow of order of Sura in the Quran? Ans) Surah-al-Naas.

Q-4) Which is the first revealed Ayat of the Quran? Ans) Surah-al-Alaq, ("Iqra Bisme Rabbikal Lazi...")

Q-5) Which is the last revealed Ayat of the Quran? Ans) Surah-al-Muarij, ("sa-a'la Be Azabi Waqey Lil Kafireena Laieesa Lah Raafey")

Q-6) Which is the smallest Ayat of the Quran? Ans) Sura-e-ArRahman, ("Mud Ha Mataan")

Q-7) Which is the Surah which is also called "Surah-e-Noor" and "Surah-e-Shukar"? Ans) Surah-e-Fatiha.

Q-8) Which is the surah named after one of the Principle's of Islam? Ans) Surah-e-Tauheed.

Q-9) Which is the surah named after one of the Pillar's of Islam? Ans) Surah-e-Hajj.

Q-10) Name the Surah which is named after a creature who is neither a human nor an animal? Ans) Surah-e-alJinn.

Q-11) What is the total number of 'Sajdas'in the Quran? Ans) Fourteen (14).

Q-12) What non-living things are mentioned in the Quran which praise and perform sajda to Allah(swt)? Ans) Sun, Moon, Stars and Mountains.

Q-13) According to the Quran whose house is the most weak (vulnerable)? Ans) Spider ('Ankaboot' in Arabic)

Q-14) According to the Quran name the people who were claiming Divine authority? Ans) Nimrod (Namrood) and Firaoun (Pharaoh).

Q-15) According to the Quran which streams are mentioned to be present in Heaven? Ans) Milk, wine and Honey.

Q-16) Mention the names of the two Prophets whom according to the Quran were considered as sons of god by their people? Ans) Hazrat Eesa [as] (Prophet Jesus) and Hazrat Uzayr [as] (Prophet Ezra).

Q-17) Which Surah's name in the Quran is mentioned as weapon for wise and sage people? Ans) Surah-e-AlQalam.

Q-18) Which fruits are mentioned in the Quran? Ans) Dates, fig, olives, grapes and pomegranate.

Q-19) Which form of worship is most mentioned in the Quran? Ans) Namaz (Salat).

Q-20) Which part of Namaz (salat) is mentioned in Quran as the most favourite for attaining Allah's nearness? Ans) Prostration (Sajdah).

Q-21) Which specific things of heaven are mentioned in the Quran? Ans) Ultra vegetation (greenery), shades, water, milk, streams of honey and wine, fruit trees, flowers and scents, beautiful dresses, jewlery, servants, maidens and gardens.

Q-22) According to the Quran which Prophet [as] was blessed with a child at a very old age? Ans) Hazrat Ibrahim [as] (Prophet Abraham) and Hazrat Zakaria [as] (Prophet Zachariah).

Q-23) Which time is mentioned in the Quran for its recitiation when the Angels come to hear it? Ans) Fajar time.

Q-24) Which worship is considered best in the Quran? Ans) Tahajjud prayer.

Q-25) According to the Quran, birds use to converse with which Prophet and he understood their language? Ans) Hazrat Sulaiman [as] (Prophet Solomon).

Q-26) 'Mano Salwa' was which edible thing? Ans) Roasted Partridges and Quails.

Q-27) According to the Quran which Prophet's people were blessed with most favors? Ans) People of Hazrat Musa [as] (Prophet Moses).

Q-28) What is the total number of Prophets mentioned in the Quran? Ans) Twenty six Prophets (26).

Q-29) Quran mentions streams of Wine in the Heaven, what will be there color? Ans) White.

Q-30) Which particular worship is mentioned in the Quran which God performs Himself, whereas all worship is only for God. Ans) Reciting Durood on the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Nohammad (Saww) in which Allah (Swt) and Angels also joins in its recitation.

Q-31) On the day of judgment when everyone would be gathered in front of Allah [swt] what will the caller announce? Ans) laa’nat’ul lahai alaz zaolamin.

Q-32) Which people in the Holy Quran have been mentioned as most disliked by Allah [swt] and on whom ‘lanat’ has been sent? Ans) Cruel (zalameen), hypocrites (munafiqeen), disbelievers (kafireen) aur liars (kazbeen).

Q-33) According to the Quran which men and women will be the ones whose faces will be black (on the Day of Judgment)? Ans) Hypocrite (munafiq) men and women.

Q-34) Which particular animal has been mentioned in the Quran which will be sent to Heaven? Ans) The dog of Ashab-e-kahf.

Q-35) How long did the Ashab-e-Kehef stayed in the cave? Ans) Twelve hundred years (1200).

Q-36) Which Prophet’s incident has been mentioned as the best in the Quran? Ans) The story of Hazrat Yousuf [as] (Prophet Joseph).

Q-37) Whose sound has been mentioned as the worst sound in the Quran? Ans) The Donkey's sound mentioned in Sura-e-Luqman.

Q-38) According to Quran which Prophet has not died? Ans) Hazrat Eesa [as] (Prophet Jesus), Hazrat Khizr [as] (Prophet Khidr), Hazrat Idrees [as] (Prophet Idris).

Q-39) Which Prophet's story mentions a very powerful sorcerer, what was the sorcerer's name? Ans) In Hazrat Musa [as] (Prophet Moses) story and the sorcerer's name was Samari.

Q-40) Who was the Prophet who had knowledge of true interpretation of dreams? Ans) Hazrat Yousuf [as] (Prophet Joseph).

Q-41) How many brothers of Hazrat Yousuf [as] (Prophet Joseph) does the Quran mentions? Ans) Eleven (11).

Q-42) How will the people in Heaven greet each other? Ans) Salam.

Q-43) In what words will the people in Heaven end their prayers with? Ans) Alhamdu lillahai Rabbil Alameen.

Q-44) Which men in the Quran have been mentioned as women, as in called women? Ans) Those men who would find some excuse or the other for not going on Jihad and rather stay inside their homes.

Q-45) According to Quran what cloth will be given to the people in Heaven to wear? Ans) Crepe, Qanadeez and silk.

Q-46) What would be the color of the clothes of people in Heaven? Ans) Green.

Q-47) What jewelery will be given to the people in Heaven to wear? Ans) Gold bangles and pearls.

Q-48) Which sura of Quran is named after a metal? Ans) Surah-e-Alhadeed (Iron).

Q-49) Which sura of Quran is named after the period of time? Ans) Surah-e-Deher.

Q-50) Which Surah is called the ‘Bride’ of Quran? Ans) surah-e-Rehman.

Q-51) Which place has been mentioned five (5) times in the Quran? Ans) Madeen.

Q-52) Note: This question is based on a word from Urdu/Arabic language. Which country’s name mentioned in the Quran can be changed into something dangerous by just adding a dot? Ans) Misar (Egypt) – Muzir (Dangerous).

Q-53) Which is the longest Ayat in the Quran? Ans) Ayat of Surah-e-Kehef.

Q-54) Quran has been revealed in various scripts including ‘Ibrani’ language, name the Ayat which was revealed completely in Arabic language? Ans) Mohammad-ur-Rasool Allah . . . the whole Ayat.

Q-55) The name of our Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Sallal Laho Alaihai Wassalam has been mentioned how many times in the Quran? Ans) Five (5) times.

Q-56) Which Prophet’s name has been most mentioned in the Quran? Ans) Hazrat Musa [as] (Prophet Moses).

Q-57) Which is the longest Surah in Quran? Ans) Surah-e-Baqra.

Q-58) Which two deceitful wives of Prophets have been mentioned in the Quran? Ans) Wife of Hazrat Nuh [as] (Prophet Noah) and wife of Hazrat Lut [as] (Prophet Lut).

Q-59) Which battle mentioned in the Quran destroyed one-sixth (1/6th) of the world’s population? Ans) The battle between Hazrat Habeel and Qabeel, sons of Hazraz Adam [as] (Prophet Adam) and Bibi Hawwa [sa] (Lady Eve). At that time only six people populated the earth, Hazraz Adam [as] (Prophet Adam) and Bibi Hawwa [sa] (Lady Eve), their two daughters, Hazrat Habeel [as], his brother Qabeel. When Qabeel killed Hazrat Habeel [as] one-sixth (1/6th) of the world’s population died.

Q-60) Which Prophet according to the Quran was gifted with a great kingdom? Ans) Hazrat Sulaiman [as] (Prophet Solomon).

Q-61) Which two Prophets were bestowed with Prophet Hood during the same period? Ans) Hazrat Yaqoob [as] (Prophet Jacob) and Hazrat Yousuf [as] (Prophet Joseph), Hazrat Musa [as] (Prophet Moses) and Hazrat Haroon [as] (Prophet Haroon).

Q-62) Which two women in the Quran have been mentioned to have exemplary character for the rest of the women? Ans) Hazrat Asiyah [sa] and Hazrat Marium [sa] (Lady Mary).

Q-63) Quran mentions about which lady’s respect / modesty (haya)? Ans) Hazrat Shoaib [as] (Prophet Shoaib’s) daughter.

Q-64) Which Surah of Quran is named after a day of the week? Ans) Surah-e-Jumah (Friday).

Q-65) Which Surah of Quran is named after a particular time period of the day? Ans) Surah-e-AlAsar (Evening prayers).

Q-66) Which Surahs of Quran are named after Allah’s names? Ans) Surah-e-AlRehman, Surah-e-AlAa’la and Surah-e-AlNoor.

Q-67) Name the Surah which is named after a ‘halal’ process but that process is most disliked by Allah (swt)? Ans) Surah-e-Talaq.

Q-68) Which Prophet governed air and the nation of djinns? Ans) Hazrat Sulaiman [as] (Prophet Solomon).

Q-69) Which bird did Hazrat Sulaiman [as] (Prophet Solomon) decided to punish? Ans) Woodpecker (Hudhud).

Q-70) Which bird contributed in an important war as per Allah’s (swt) order? Ans) Albatross also known as ‘Swallow’ (Ababeel). When Abraha’s army tried to attack on the Kaaba.

Q-71) As per the Quran what will be the prayer of the people of Heaven? Ans) ‘Glory is to Allah (swt)’ [Urdu: Allah (swt) tujhay paki hai. Arabic: ‘Ra’wa hum feeha subhanaka allhumma’].

Q-72) Name the two people who falsely claimed to be Prophets and later on married each other? Ans) Musailamah al-Kazzab (dari Bani Hanifah) Sajjah bin al-Harith (dari Bani Tamim).

Q-73) What has been mentioned in the Quran as a cure to for all illnesses? Ans) Honey.

Q-74) Which Surahs of Quran are named after names of animals? Ans) Surah-e-AlBaqra (the Cow), Surah-e-AlAnkaboot (the Spider), Surah-e-Namal (the Ant) and Surah-e-AlFeel (the Elephant).

Q-75) Which Prophet married two (real) sisters simultaneously? Ans) Hazrat Yaqoob [as] (Prophet Jacob) married Bibi Raheel (Hazrat Yousuf [as] /Prophet Joseph’s mother), and her sister.

Q-76) According to Quran the utensils in which drinks would be served in Heaven would smell of what fragrance? Ans) Ginger (Zanjabeel/Adrak)

Q-77) Which Ayat of Quran was recited by Hazrat Ali [as] on the martyrdom of his companions in the war of Neharwan and Siffeen, and by Hazrat Imam Hussein [as] on the martyr of his companions in the war of Kerbala? Ans) ‘Wa minhum man Qafa nahbahu wa minhum man yantazir wama badlu tabdeela’ Translation: Some of them have fulfilled their promise and some are waiting, their faith has not changed. [Urdu: Un mei se baaz ne apna ehad pura ker dia aur baaz intizar ker rahay hain, in k iman mei koi tabdeeli nahi aiee].

Q-78) What is the total number of Surahs in the Quran? Ans) One hundred and fourteen (114).

Q-79) What is the total number of Ayaat in the Quran? Ans) Six thousand six hundred and sixty six (6666).

Q-80) Which Surah of Quran does not begin with ‘Bismillah’? Ans) Surah-e-Taubah.